Legal notice

Legal notice

Objective and generalities

These General Conditions of Use regulate the website, of which Carol Gastronomia S.L. with address in Avda. Mestre Muntaner, 44, 08700 Igualada (Barcelona) and with CIF B-66216946 is the owner.

Through the website, Carol Gastronomia S.L. Provides information about your products and services. The registered user condition supposes the approval of the conditions of use in the version published at the moment that it accedes to the same.

In any case, there are areas of the website accessible to natural or legal persons who are not registered. In this sense, users who access this part of the website agree to be subject to the conditions of use included in these General Conditions, insofar as they may be applied.

Intellectual and industrial property

Carol Gastronomia S.L. It has all the rights to the content, design and source code of the website and, especially, but not limited to photographs, images, texts and data included on the website.

Users are warned that these rights are protected by Spanish and international law regarding intellectual and industrial property.

Likewise, the content of this website is also considered as a computer program, and therefore, all Spanish and EU legislation in force in this area is also applicable to you.

The total or partial reproduction of this website or any of its contents is expressly prohibited without the express permission of Carol Gastronomia S.L.

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